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Brady Tyburski photo
Brady Tyburski
Fall 2024

Advisors:  Kristen Bieda and Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Dissertation: Change the Story, Change the Curriculum:  Curriculum-as-Story Metaphor as a Flexible Lens for Interpreting Curricular (In)Coherence From Students' Perspectives and Beyond

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Graduate STEM Education with the Biology Education Research Group at the University of Georgia 


Sarah Castle photo
Sarah Castle

Summer 2023


Advisor: Shiv Smith Karunakaran

Dissertation: Coding for Creativity: Exploring the Effects of Computing Enacted Through Coding on Students' Mathematical Creativity in Linear Algebra

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Idaho

Jon Gregg photo
Jonathan Gregg

Summer 2023


Advisors: Corey Drake and Kristen Bieda

Dissertation: "Grab a shovel!": Supporting early-career alternatively prepared elementary teachers

Assistant Professor of Education, Hillsdale College

Sunyoung Park photo
Sunyoung Park

Summer 2023


Advisor: Kristen Bieda

Dissertation: "It's all Connected": Mathematics Teachers' Opening Curriculum Spaces for Students' Multiple Mathematical Knowledge Bases

Postdoc, Connected Mathematics Project, Michigan State University

Jihye Hwang photo
Jihye Hwang
Spring 2023
Advisor: Shiv Karunakaran
Dissertation: A Narrative Inquiry of Post-Secondary Multilingual International Students' Lived Experiences Related to Mathematics
Postdoctoral Research Scholar, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Leonardo Medel
Leonardo Medel

Fall 2022


Advisor: Robert Floden

Dissertation: Feedback that matters: Mathematics teacher educators’ feedback of student
teachers’ lesson plans

Faculty of Education, University of Chile

Professor, Colegio Rayen Mahuida Montessori, Universidad San Sebastian

Charles Fessler
Charles Fessler

Fall 2022


Advisor: Shiv Karunakaran

Dissertation: Secondary Mathematics Teacher Interns' Learning Through Teaching: A Case Study

Academic Specialist, Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University

Andrew Krause
Andrew Krause

Summer 2022


Advisor: Vince Melfi

Dissertation: Studying Engagement to Inform Design of Calculus 2 Computational Labs

Academic Teaching Specialist, Mathematics Department, Michigan State University

Valentin Küchle
Valentin Küchle

Summer 2022


Advisor: Shiv Karunakaran

Dissertation: A Multicase Study of Three Graduate Teaching Assistants Participating in the MDISC Teaching Professional Development

Postdoc, Auburn University

Merve Nur Kursav
Merve Nur Kursav

Summer 2022


Advisor: Corey Drake

Dissertation: Teachers’ Beliefs, Perceptions, Experiences, and Strategies in Teaching and Engaging Multilingual Learners in Mathematics Classrooms

Research Associate, Dartmouth College

Robert Elmore
Robert Elmore

Spring 2022


Advisor: Shiv Karunakaran

Dissertation: Teaching Presence in a Fully Online Asynchronous Undergraduate Mathematics Course and its Impact on Social and Cognitive Presence

Mathematics Faculty Member, Mid-Michigan College

Timothy Wegner
Timothy Wegner

Spring 2022


Advisor: Ralph Putnam

Dissertation Director: Brin Keller

Dissertation: Students' Tool Usage, Justifications, and Reported Confidence When Using Dynamic Geometry Environments

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Spring Arbor University, Michigan

David Bowers
David Bowers

Summer 2021


Advisor: Corey Drake

Dissertation: Anarchist Mathematics Education: Ethic, Motivation, and Praxis

Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Sunghwan Byun
Sunghwan Byun

Summer 2021


Advisor: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Dissertation: Interactional work of Advanced Placement mathematics teachers: Toward productive and equitable mathematics discussions

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Department of STEM Education, North Carolina State University, NC Raleigh

Taren Going
Taren Going

Summer 2021


Advisor: Kristen Bieda

Dissertation: The Relationship Between Productive Disciplinary Engagement and Middle Grades Students' Construction of Written Justifications

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Connected Mathematics Project, Michigan State University

Kevin Voogt
Kevin Voogt

Summer 2021


Advisor: Jack Smith

Dissertation: Influence of Preservice Elementary Teachers' Mathematics Experiences on their Attitudes and Beliefs about Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Education, School of Education, Grace College, Winona Lake, IN

Durrell Jones
Durrell Jones

Spring 2021


Co-Advisors: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann and Sandra Crespo

Dissertation Director: Chezare Warren

Dissertation: A Critical Race Examination of Four Young Black Men's Participation in Community College Developmental/Remedial Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA

Lauren Cavner Williams
Lauren Cavner Williams

Fall 2020


Co-Advisors: Jack Smith and Monica Karunakaran

Dissertation: Tracking and Understanding At-Risk College Students' Self-Efficacy in a Treatment Mathematics Course

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Ferris State University

Michael Morissette
Michael Morissette

Summer 2020


Co-Advisors: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann and Corey Drake

Dissertation: Mathematics Teachers' and Principals' Responses to the Use of Student Growth Data on Teacher Evaluation Instruments in the State of Michigan

Mathematics Teacher, Morrice Jr/Sr High School

Oyemolade Osibodu
Oyemolade Osibodu

Spring 2020


Advisor: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Dissertation:  Embodying Ubuntu, Invoking Sankofa, & Disrupting With Fela: A Co-Exploration of Social Issues and Critical Mathematics Education With Sub-Saharan African Youth

Assistant Professor, York University

Christopher Dubbs
Christopher Dubbs

Spring 2020


Advisor: Tonya Bartell

Dissertation: Perturbations of the Sensible: An Aesthetic Atlas of Mathematics Education Research

Assistant Professor, East Stroudsburg University

Luke Tunstall
Luke Tunstall

Fall 2019


Co-Advisors: Tonya Bartell and Vince Melfi

Dissertation: Numeracy Proxies and Practices: Studies in Approximations of the “Real”

Director of the Quantitative Reasoning Skills Center, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX

Kate Appenzeller-Knowles
Kate Appenzeller-Knowles

Fall 2019


Advisor: Corey Drake

Dissertation: Teachers’ Use of Scaffolding During Cognitively Demanding Tasks

Director for Faculty Development, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, The University of Texas at Austin

Younggon Bae
Younggon Bae

Summer 2019


Co-Advisors: Brin Keller and Shiv Karunakaran

Dissertation: Dynamic Geometry Task Design for Axiomatic Geometry: Student Engagement with Axiomatic Reasoning

Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley - Brownsville, TX

Kevin Lawrence
Kevin Lawrence

Summer 2019


Advisor: Brin Keller

Dissertation: Unpacking Teachers' Reflections on Digital Technology Decisions and Use in an Inquiry-Based, Problem-Centered Middle School Mathematics Curriculum

Instructor, Michigan State University

Darlene Kohrman
Darlene Kohrman

Fall 2018


Advisor: Brin Keller

Dissertation: Learning to Define in Mathematics – The Effects of a Sequence of Tasks on Preservice Teachers' Abilities to Construct High Quality Definitions

Emeritus Mathematics Instructor, Kalamazoo Valley Community College

Jen Nimtz
Jen Nimtz

Summer 2018


Co-Advisors: Ralph Putnam and Sandra Crespo

Dissertation: Case Studies of Undergraduate Students' Interactions with an Online Computer Adaptive Instruction Intermediate Algebra Course

Assistant Professor and Director of First Year Mathematics Instruction, Western Washington University

Amy Ray
Amy Ray

Summer 2018


Advisor: Corey Drake

Dissertation: Student Work in Curriculum-based Assessment Tasks: An Exploratory Validity Study of a Mechanism for Assessing SMP3b

Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University

Visala "Rani" Satyam
Visala "Rani" Satyam

Summer 2018


Advisor: Jack Smith

Dissertation: Cognitive and Affective Components of Undergraduate Students Learning How to Prove

Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

Joanne Philhower
Joanne Philhower

Spring 2018


Advisor: Jack Smith

Dissertation: Investigating High School Mathematics Teachers' Formative Assessment Practices

Assistant Professor, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN

Jeffrey Craig
Jeffrey Craig

Summer 2017


Advisor: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Dissertation: Real Fantasies In Mathematics Education: Numeracy, Quantitative Reasoners, Transdisciplinary Wicked Problems

Assistant Teaching Professor, Arizona State University

Nic Gilbertson
Nic Gilbertson

Summer 2017


Advisor: Kristen Bieda

Dissertation: Teacher Decision-Making in Collaborative Mathematics Discussions

Associate Professor at Winona State University

Lynette Guzman
Lynette Guzman

Summer 2017


Advisor: Amy Parks

Dissertation: Blurring Boundaries within Mathematics Education: Prospective K-8 Teachers Interrogating Intersectional Identities, Narratives and Positionings across Out-of-School Contexts

Assistant Professor of STEM Education, California State University, Fresno

Frances Harper
Frances Harper

Summer 2017


Advisor: Tonya Bartell

Dissertation: Equitable Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Practice: Exploring Students’ Negotiations of Identity and Power

Associate Professor, STEM Education/Math, University of Tennessee

Alexandria Theakston Musselman
Alexandria Theakston Musselman

Summer 2017


Advisor: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Dissertation: Mathematics Majors at an All-Women's College: Exploring Identity and Context

Assistant Teaching Professor at University of Washington, Bothell

Eryn Stehr
Eryn Stehr

Eryn Stehr Maher

Summer 2017


Co-Advisors: John P. (Jack) Smith, III and Ralph T. Putnam

Dissertation: Digital Resources and Mathematics: Teachers' Conceptions and Noticing

Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University

Sihua "Adrienne" Hu
Sihua "Adrienne" Hu

Fall 2016


Co-Advisors: Vince Melfi, Bob Floden

Dissertation: The Influence of Content and Other Factors on Measures of Teacher Quality: A Comparative Study

Currently Director, Research & Development, at the Educational Records Bureau in New York, after Post-doctoral Fellow at Northwestern University

Jillian Cavanna
Jillian Cavanna

Summer 2016


Advisor: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann and Corey Drake

Dissertation: Mathematics Teachers’ Data Use in Practice: Considering Accountability, Action Research, and Agency

Started as Post-Doc Research Associate at the University of Connecticut; now Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, STEM, and Innovation at University of Hartford

Dan Clark
Dan Clark

Summer 2016


Advisor: Jack Smith

Dissertation: The Common Core of Understanding Amongst the Michigan Education Community Regarding the Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

Assistant Professor at Western Kentucky University

RIchard "Abe" Edwards
RIchard "Abe" Edwards

Summer 2016


Advisor: Vince Melfi

Dissertation: Quantitative Literacy in General Education Science Courses at a Community College: Student and Instructor Reports

Academic Specialist in Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University

Funda Gonulates
Funda Gonulates

Summer 2016


Advisor: Jack Smith

Dissertation: Mathematics Teachers’ Collaboration Mediated by a Problem-Based Curriculum

Assistant Professor at Northern Kentucky University, College of Education

Eun Mi Kim
Eun Mi Kim

Summer 2016


Advisor: Ralph Putnam

Dissertation: Preservice Teachers' Understandings of Volume and Its Measurement in Everyday and School Contexts

Associate Researcher in the Center for Accessible Teaching, Learning & Assessment Systems (ATLAS) at the University of Kansas

Jia He
Jia He

Summer 2015


Advisor: Sharon Senk

Dissertation: Preservice Elementary Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematical Definitions

Assistant Professor, Augusta University, Georgia

Jamie Wernet
Jamie Wernet

Spring 2015


Advisor: Kristen Bieda

Dissertation: What's the Story with Story Problems? Exploring the Relationship between Contextual Mathematics Tasks, Student Engagement, and Motivation to Learn Mathematics in Miple School

Director of Learning and Secondary Mathematics Teacher at Lansing Christian School, and Teaching for Transformation School Designer with the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE)

Aaron Brakoniecki
Aaron Brakoniecki

Summer 2014


Advisor: Sandra Crespo; Dissertation Co-Directed with Ralph Putnam

Dissertation: Preservice Teachers' Uses of the Internet to Support Their Learning of Mathematics: The Case of The Pythagorean Theorem

Senior Lecturer and Program Director for Mathematics Education at Boston University, after serving 2 years as Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Jerilynn Lepak
Jerilynn Lepak

Summer 2013


Advisor: Kristen Bieda

Dissertation: Supporting Low-Tracked Algebra Students’ Written Arguments

Assistant Professor at Seattle Pacific University, Department of Mathematics

Corvell Cranfield
Corvell Cranfield

Spring 2013


Advisor: Sharon Senk; Dissertation Co-Directed with Joan Ferrini-Mundy

Dissertation: How are the Mathematical Identities of Low Achieving South African Eleventh Graders Related to Their Ability to Solve Mathematical Tasks?

National Mathematics Manager at National Education Collaboration Trust, South Africa

Leslie Dietiker
Leslie Dietiker

Summer 2012


Advisor: Glenda Lappan; Dissertation Co-Directed with Nathalie Sinclair

Dissertation: The Mathematics Textbook as a Story: A Novel Approach to the Interrogation of Mathematics Curriculum

Associate Professor at Boston University, School of Education

Irini Papaieronymou
Irini Papaieronymou

Summer 2012

Advisor: Sharon Senk

Dissertation: College Students’ Achievement and Understanding of Experimental and Theoretical Probability: The Role of Tasks

Lecturer at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, Department of Education

Kimberly Cervello Rogers
Kimberly Cervello Rogers

Summer 2012


Advisor: Michael Steele

Dissertation: The Proof is in the Practice? Graduate Teaching Assistants and Future Teachers

Associate Professor at Bowling Green State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Samuel Otten
Samuel Otten

Summer 2012


Advisor: Beth Herbel-Eisenmann

Dissertation: Participation and Cognitive Demand: Linking the Enacted Curriculum and Student Learning in Middle School Algebra

Associate Professor at the University of Missouri, College of Education

Aladar Horvath
Aladar Horvath

Summer 2012


Advisor: Glenda Lappan

Dissertation: The Treatment of Composition in Secondary and Early Collegiate Mathematics Curricula

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Purdue University, School of Engineering Education

Currently is an Assistant Professor at Missouri Southern State University

Amanda (Milewski) Brown
Amanda (Milewski) Brown

Amanda (Milewski) Brown

Spring 2012


Advisor: Raven McCrory

Dissertation: Exploring Teachers' Practices of Responding

Assistant Research Scientist at University of Michigan School of Education

Sasha Wang
Sasha Wang

Fall 2011

Advisor: Glenda Lappan

Dissertation: The Van Hiele Theory Through Discursive Lens: Prospective Teacher's Geometric Discourses

Associate Professor at Boise State University, Department of Mathematics

Lorraine Males
Lorraine Males

Fall 2011


Advisor: Jack Smith

Dissertation: Curriculum for Professional Development: An Examination of Teachers' Opportunities to Learn from Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Materials

Associate Professor at University of Nebraska – Lincoln, College of Education and Human Science

Gregory Larnell
Gregory Larnell

Summer 2011


Advisor: Glenda Lappan

Dissertation Advisor: Jack Smith

Dissertation: More Than Just Skill: Mathematics Identities, Socialization, and Remediation among African American Undergraduates

Associate Professor at University of Illinois-Chicago, College of Education

Jungeun Park
Jungeun Park

Spring 2011


Advisor: Sharon Senk

Dissertation: Calculus Instructors' and Students' Discourse on the Derivative

Associate Professor at University of Delaware, Department of Mathematical Sciences.

Beste Gucler
Beste Gucler

Summer 2010


Advisor: Raven McCrory

Dissertation: Development of Discourse on Limits:  Connecting History and Classroom Practice Through A Communicational Approach to Learning

Associate Professor at University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, STEM Education Department

Sarah Kasten
Sarah Kasten

Summer 2009


Advisor: Glenda Lappan

Dissertation: Learning to Anticipate Students' Mathematical Responses in Two

Contexts: The Case of One Preservice Teacher in a University and School Setting

Associate Professor at Northern Kentucky University, College of Education