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Amanda Cartter Photo






Amanda Cartter

Pronouns: she/her
Academic Program Coordinator
Secretary to PRIME Director
C110 Wells, (517) 432-1490

Handles graduate student travel, general student questions, enrolls students in 999 credits, assists math ed committees and Director. 

Kelly Fenn photo

Kelly Fenn

Budget & Personnel Administrator
C107 Wells, (517) 884-3476

Processes assistantship and fellowship paperwork for graduate students. Handles PRIME and PRIME research project budgets, hiring of PRIME faculty and graduate students, and assigns keys for all PRIME faculty, staff and graduate students.

Billie Lozen photo

Elizabeth "Billie" Lozen

Consortium Coordinator I
C715 Wells Hall, (517) 432-3635

Coordinator for the Connected Mathematics Project (CMP). Direct any questions regarding CMP to Billie.