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Mathematics Education Conferences

AERA (American Educational Research Association)


AMTE (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators)


AMS International Joint Conferences


CMP (Connected Mathematics Project)

Users’ Conference, Leadership Conference, and Getting to Know CMP Workshops: http://connectedmath.msu.edu/

Conversations Among Colleagues/MI-AMTE Conference

This statewide conference offers a rich opportunity for interactions around emerging issues and research in the preparation of mathematics educators, and mathematics teaching across the K-20 continuum. The conference is arranged voluntarily by different university teams. Typically the conference is in February or March. Details about the next conference can be found on the MI-AMTE website.

ICME: International Congress on Mathematical Education

The International Congress on Mathematical Education is held every four years in a different country (the same country as the International PME).  Due to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, ICME-14 was delayed one year to July 11-18, 2021. The conference was at the Putuo Campus of East China Normal University in Shanghai, China.  See details at the ICME-14 official website www.icme14.org. ICME-15 will be held in Sydney, Australia, July 7-14, 2024. See more information at the ICME-15 website.

Joint Meeting of the Mathematical Association of American and the American Mathematical Society

Conference held each January. Information about future annual (and regional) conferences can be found at http://www.maa.org or http://www.ams.org.

Math in Action Conference

Math in Action is of interest to K–12 inservice and prospective teachers of mathematics; curriculum directors; administrators; parents; and college and university mathematics education, mathematics, statistics, and education faculty. It is held at Grand Valley State University in February of each year. Visit the Math in Action website for more information.

MCTM (The Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics)

MCTM has its conference in late July/early August and the proposals are usually due in January. Dates and locations of upcoming conferences: http://www.mictm.org

NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Annual Meeting and Regional Conferences, as well as the NCTM Research Conference


NCSM (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics)

PME (International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education)


PME-NA (Psychology of Mathematics Education-North American Chapter)


Michigan State University hosted in 2015

SIGMAA on RUME (Special Interest Group of the MAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education)

SIGMAA on RUME (formerly known as the Association for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education) sponsors an annual conference as well as sessions at the annual Joint Meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society. More information can be found at http://sigmaa.maa.org/rume/Site/News.html