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Mathematics Education in Indigenous and Migrational Contexts

Researchers: Professor Annica Andersson (USN - Norway), Professor Hilia Lisa Huru (UiT - Norway), Professor Beth Herbel-Eisenmann (MSU), Professor David Wagner (University of New Brunswick), Postdoc Anita Movik Simensen (UiT - Norway), PhD research fellow Shanthi Gretta Pasanha (USN – Norway), PhD research fellow Kaja Burt-Davies (USN – Norway)

Funding: The Research Council of Norway (NFR) has allocated NOK 11.3 million for the project period 2020 to 2024 through the program Research and innovation in the education sector (FINNUT).

Dates: 2020-2024

The MIM research project will investigate how mathematical education develops in multilingual and multicultural classrooms, where different languages ​​and cultures can hinder, support or challenge learning in mathematics education. In particular, we want to look at classrooms with a high number of different languages and cultures, including Norwegian.

Indigenous people have, through colonization, experienced such educational challenges for generations. We also now see similar tensions in classrooms with children and teachers from other minority groups, and tensions are now occurring in Norwegian classrooms.

The backdrop for the research project is that we are living in a time of social change and migration.