Collaborative Research: Modules for Statistics Graduate Teaching Assistants Learning to Teach Equitably with Authentic Data (GTAs-LEAD)
Principal Investigators: Jennifer L. Green (MSU); Sunghwan Byun & Justin Post (North Carolina State University)
Graduate Students: Maria Cruciani
Funding: NSF DUE 2315435
Dates: 07/15/2023-06/30/2026
Abstract: This project aims to serve the national interest by designing and assessing
resources for statistics graduate teaching assistants (GTAs). An overall goal is for
GTAs to teach equitably with authentic data. Reforming introductory statistics is
becoming increasingly important since statistical thinking plays a key role in harnessing
the data revolution in a wide range of workplaces and in a variety of disciplines.
Despite a call for introductory statistics instruction that: (1) integrates real data
with a context and a purpose, (2) teaches statistics as an investigative process,
and (3) fosters active learning, many statistics teaching practices are inconsistent
with these recommendations. Instead, statistics courses often focus on procedural
skills, which may not lead to meaningful understanding of the power of statistical
modeling and concepts in authentic contexts. This project will address the urgent
need to improve introductory statistics instruction by designing and implementing
a set of modules for discipline-specific professional development for statistics GTAs.
The significant outcomes of this project could include the development of GTAs who
teach equitably with authentic data, as well as advancement of the current understanding
of teacher learning of GTAs in professional community settings.
Guided by a design and development research approach, the project will: (1) design
a set of four research-informed modules for statistics GTAs learning to teach equitably
with authentic data (LEAD Modules), (2) implement LEAD Modules with two GTA communities
teaching introductory statistics courses at North Carolina State University and Michigan
State University, and (3) further refine LEAD Modules based on design-based research
that examines GTA development and their communities. LEAD Modules focus on: (a) teaching
statistical thinking, (b) facilitating the model "launch, explore, and discuss," (c)
enacting teacher discourse moves, and (d) promoting participatory equity. By drawing
on the interdisciplinary expertise of the principal investigators, the project infuses
knowledge bases and resources from statistics education and teacher education to support
statistics GTAs' learning to teach equitably with authentic data. The NSF IUSE: EDU
Program supports research and development projects to improve the effectiveness of
STEM education for all students. Through its Engaged Student Learning track, the program
supports the creation, exploration, and implementation of promising practices and
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support
through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review