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NCSM and NCTM Conferences

By Destini Evans

Several MSU math ed faculty, postdocs, and doctoral students will be presenting at NCSM and NCTM during the week of September 23rd

NCSM Conference Logo


NCSM is a mathematics education leadership organization that equips and empowers a diverse education community to engage in leadership that supports, sustains, and inspires high quality mathematics teaching and learning every day for each and every learner. 

This year’s NCSM conference is being held in Chicago, Illinois from September 23rd – 25th, 2024. Sessions will focus on Disrupting the Status Quo, Overcoming Challenges, Eliminating Structural Cultural and/or Instructional Barriers, and Breaking Through: Coaching to Support Change. Gail Burrill, Elizabeth “Betty” Phillips, Alden “AJ” Edson, and Yvonne Slanger-Grant will be presenting from MSU. 

On Monday, September 23rd, Betty Phillips, AJ Edson, and Yvonne Slanger-Grant will be presenting Are We Testing What We Value? A Thought-Provoking Exploration of Our Assessment Practices. Their session description notes: Currently, the success of schools depends on the results of high stakes, end of year tests. If our goal is to prepare students to meet a complex future, including artificial intelligence, we need ways to capture the rich collaborative problem-solving process students use during class. Using examples from a problem-based curriculum, Connected Mathematics4, and results from National Science Foundation funded design research projects, we discuss ways to capture students’ deep understanding, skills, flexibility, and perseverance.  

 Gail Burrill will be presenting Monday, September 23rd on What Mathematics Is Important in the Third Year of High School Mathematics? The session is described as: Focusing on how third year high school mathematics has many variations; the question is what content are which students learning? Given the increasing capacity of mathematical technologies, the emergence of ChatGPT, and our vision of mathematical understanding essential for every student, how do we align our systems to address unproductive beliefs, policies, and practices and ensure that all students have the opportunity to experience the mathematics they will need as their lives move forward? 

Gail will also be presenting Tuesday, September 24th on, Why Is Understanding the Progression Important for Teachers? In this session, Presidential Awardees will discuss fundamental ideas in teaching algebra, what these look like across the grades, and how these concepts connect throughout a student’s career from elementary, middle, and high school to the university. Participants will consider why it is important for teachers to have a deep understanding of the mathematical standards across the grades, how this ties to ensuring equitable access, and brainstorm ways to overcome obstacles in making this happen in districts. 

NCTM Conference Logo


The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) will begin the full integration of the NCTM Research Conference into the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago starting September 25th. This integrated conference will better support the connections between research and practice and allow for new opportunities for collaboration between researchers and classroom teachers.

The 2024 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition and Research Conference will take place September 25th – 28th, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. This year’s theme “The Math of Their Dreams: Illuminating Students’ Brilliance, captures the intent to center students and their experiences, while also being evocative—what does “the math of their dreams” bring to mind for you?” Throughout the program, attendees will be encouraged to explore the meaning of the theme and what value most in mathematics. 

Presenters at NCTM from MSU include Gail Burrill, Kristen Bieda, AJ Edson, Ashley Fabry, Taren Going, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Ahmad WachidulKohar, Sunyoung Park, and Yvonne Slanger-Grant

MSU will have a booth at the NCTM Exhibit Hall September 25-27: Booth #522! If you are interested in a doctoral program in mathematics education, we would love to meet you and share some information! We also look forward to seeing friends and alumni, so please stop by and say hello! Lisa Keller, Samantha Wald, and other faculty, graduate students, and alumni/postdocs listed below will be there to answer questions.  

Highlighting the sessions of MSU math ed faculty and graduate students presenting at the NCSM and NCTM conferences: 


Monday, September 23, at NCSM 

Elizabeth “Betty” Phillips, Alden “AJ” Edson, and Yvonne Slanger-Grant 

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM in Williford A, Floor 3 

Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert Awardee Lecture: Are We Testing What We Value?  

A Thought-Provoking Exploration of Our Assessment Practices 

Strand: Disrupting Status Quo 


Gail Burrill 

2:45 PM – 3:45 PM in Blvd C, Floor 2 

What Mathematics Is Important in the Third Year of High School Mathematics? Strand: Eliminating Structural, Cultural, and/or Instructional Barriers. 


Tuesday, September 24, at NCSM

Gail Burrill 

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM in Williford C, Floor 3 

Algebra Across the K-12 Curriculum – Why Is Understanding the Progression Important for Teachers?  

Strand: Overcoming Challenges 


Wednesday, September 25, at NCTM 

Kristen Bieda, Co-speaker 

R546 Research Discussions #2, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, McCormick Place, Room 504a 

 A Co-Inquiry to Advance Justification in Algebra II Classrooms 


Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, with co-speakers from Lake View High School

 R377, 2:45 – 3:45 PM, McCormick Place, Room 505a 

Action Research for Productive and Powerful Discourse 


Thursday, September 26, at NCTM 

Gail Burrill 

#18, 8:00 – 9:00 AM, McCormick Place, Room 502b 

Using Interactive Dynamic Technology to Develop Understanding in Algebra II and Precalculus  


AJ Edson, Lead Speaker. Co-speakers: Ashley Fabry, Taren Going, Sunyoung Park 

#138, 1:00 – 2:00 PM, McCormick Place, Room N229 

Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics Education: Using Machine Learning to Support Learning 


Friday, September 27, at NCTM 

Elizabeth Phillips, Lead Speaker. Co-speakers: AJ Edson, Yvonne Slanger-Grant 

#470, 4:00 – 5:00 PM, McCormick Place, Room N135 

Assessing the “What” and “How” of Algebra for the Future 


Saturday, September 28, at NCTM 

Yvonne Slanger-Grant, Lead Speaker. Co-speaker: AJ Edson 

#567 Workshop, 9:45 – 11:00 AM, McCormick Place, Room N426b 

Celebrating Students’ Mathematical Thinking: Experiencing STEM Problems on Proportional Reasoning 


AJ Edson, Lead Speaker. Co-speakers: Ashley Fabry, Taren Going, Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, Sunyoung Park 

R522 Session, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, McCormick Place, Room N427d 

Developing a Machine Learning Rubric for Proportional Reasoning in Digital Curricula 


Co-speaker: Gail Burrill, with others 

#595 President Series Session, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, McCormick Place, Room S404d 

Lighting the Way to Learning: Lessons Developing Algebraic Thinking From Presidential Awardees