Cawley to Present October 7th
Please join us at the upcoming mathematics education talk, on Monday, October 7th
from 1:00-2:30 pm in C109 Wells and on Zoom. Dr. Anne Cawley, Associate Professor at Cal Poly Pomona, will be presenting Students' Sense of Belonging in the Mathematics Classroom: The Impact of Microaggressions.
If you are attending virtually, please see the zoom link and passcode in the flyer posted on our Mathematics Education Colloquium page.
Abstract: Microaggressions are intentional or unintentional messages that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages towards a recipient (Sue et al., 2007). Microaggressions that students receive in a math class can impact a students’ learning experience and can often lead to feelings of exclusion (Cawley et al., 2023). This talk will share findings of the ways that 183 math students have experienced microaggressions, specifically mathematical, racial, and gendered microaggressions, and the impact this had on a student’s sense of belonging. In turn, I will discuss mathematical microaffirmations—the small subtle actions and messaging that support students by affirming they belong in mathematics (Cawley & Wilson, 2023)—as a way for faculty to consider making changes within mathematics instruction.
Bio: Dr. Anne Cawley is an associate professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Cal Poly Pomona, in California. Her research in Mathematics Education relates to diversity, equity & inclusion, classroom experiences of historically underrepresented and minoritized students, math instruction in the first two years of college, and professional development (PD) for mathematics faculty towards equity-minded teaching practices. Current projects include preparing community college math faculty to teach math courses for future elementary teachers, while also providing community across campuses as well as understanding student sense of belonging to the math classroom through actions such as microaggressions and microaffirmations. Dr. Cawley is the course coordinator for co-requisite mathematics courses and the Early Start Math program director at Cal Poly Pomona.
The Program in Mathematics Education sponsors this event.