MSU at 2024 Conversations among Colleagues
The 2024 Conversations among Colleagues conference will take place on March 16 at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. This year’s theme is “Reframing and Humanizing Mathematics, Teaching, and Learning.”
Conversations among Colleagues was designed in 2003-2004 to generate conversation among mathematicians, mathematics educators, and leaders in mathematics education. Conversations among Colleagues became the official conference of the Michigan Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (MI-AMTE) in 2015. In the past, Conversations among Colleagues has included a diverse range of presentations keyed in improving mathematics education and continuing the development of mathematics.
Kristen Bieda, a professor in the Department of Teacher Education and PRIME and the President of MI-AMTE, will be presenting alongside three teachers from Waverly High School: Heather Hicks, Chris Tyler, and Patty Rienstra. Their presentation is titled Strategies for Supporting Students’ Access to Mathematical Justification and spotlights the strategies used by the teachers at Waverly High School to “enhance equitable access to mathematical justification.” This presentation is a capstone of two years of examination to develop strategies for bringing justification into classrooms to enhance access and agency.
Through her role as President of MI-AMTE, Kristen commented, “I am excited about this conference as it is the annual conference for the organization. We have two excellent plenary speakers – Dr. Amanda Jansen and Dr. Aris Winger – as well as a full slate of presentations.”
First-year PRIME students Ahmad Kohar, Sasha Rudow, and Samantha Wald will be presenting alongside AJ Edson, mathematics education faculty member, and post-doc Sunyoung Park. They are all a part of the Michigan State University Connected Mathematics Project
(CMP). Their presentation is titled Preparing Teachers of Mathematics for the Use of Digital Curriculum Materials: Reframing
Student and Teacher Collaboration Through Technology.
For more details about the conference and registration, please visit the conference webpage.
Written by
Ansley Duke