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2021 STEM for All Video Showcase

During a free week-long event, through May 18th, thousands of researchers, K-12 educators, higher ed faculty, administrators, policymakers, graduate students, and parents will participate in a video showcase funded by the National Science Foundation. Participants can view project videos, post questions and comments, and vote for favorites. 

Corey Drake is the Principal Investigator of the research featured in video 2174, titled Mathematics Curriculum and COVID-19: Implications for Equity, based on their research in the NSF funded project Co-Developing a Curriculum Coherence Toolkit With Teachers. The video reports on a national survey of third through fifth-grade teachers about their use of mathematics curricular resources and their experiences teaching mathematics before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey shows the prevalence of teacher-created materials during the pandemic and adaptations to the mathematics curriculum. It also documents barriers to learning during the pandemic and connects those barriers to levels of poverty in schools.

Drake Showcase Video Photo

The 2021 STEM for All Video Showcase, focusing on COVID, Equity & Social Justice, will be available from May 11th to 18th, 2021.