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Graduate Student Post: Ashley Fabry

Ashley High School PhotoThe PRIME program is excited to introduce Ashley Fabry, a first-year mathematics education doctoral student here at Michigan State University. Ashley was born and raised in the great state of Wisconsin and is originally from the city of Hartford.

Ashley attended the University of Wisconsin Steven Point where she earned her undergraduate degree in mathematics with an emphasis in secondary education. Most recently, before moving to Michigan, Ashley lived in Sun Prairie, which is a suburb just east of Madison.

Ashley Fabry with husband ZachBefore coming to PRIME, Ashley was a high school mathematics teacher for 6 years at DeForest Area High School which is just outside of Madison. She was the coach of the forensics team in addition to teaching a variety of subjects. Although, she stated, “My favorites were geometry and math reasoning.”

When Ashley has some free time, she enjoys partaking in a plethora of activities. A few of the things that she enjoys are playing the violin, singing, cooking, and gardening.

“I moved here with my wonderful husband, Zach and we love to cook and explore nature together,” she noted. Specifically, Ashley said that she and her husband are very fond of making pizza and Mexican food together. She also commented, “We are hoping to get a garden started in Michigan so we can grow some of our own food.”

Ashley Fabry by waterAs a PRIME student, Ashley is interested in researching and exploring ways to bring more relevance to the math classroom. She would like to improve students’ math identity and give them a sense of belonging and empowerment.

She continued, “I would also like to investigate incorporating more data and literacy into math classrooms to see how that affects math identity as well.”

In the future, she would love to teach math education courses for preservice teachers. Additionally, she is interested in writing curriculum and creating a community for local teachers in her area through professional development opportunities.

The PRIME community is thrilled to welcome Ashley and looks forward to seeing all that she will accomplish while here! Welcome to Michigan State and the Mathematics Education doctoral program, Ashley!

Written by

Elizabeth Havey