Graduate Student Spotlight: Catherine Davis
PRIME is delighted to welcome first-year Catherine Davis to the mathematics education
doctoral program.
Having grown up a self-proclaimed “air force brat,” Davis rarely lived anywhere for exceedingly long, and typically says “The South” when asked where they are from, since their family originates from Florida, Alabama, and Georgia. Davis has lived in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, California, New Mexico, North Carolina, Massachusetts, and now Michigan.
While in college, Davis majored in dance, in addition to mathematics. They still spend
a lot of time dancing and have had opportunities to choreograph dances professionally.
They also love to knit, play volleyball, and hang out with their pet bird, Pascal.
Catherine received their previous degrees from Smith College and spent two years teaching high school mathematics in southern Georgia before coming to PRIME.
During their time here at PRIME they hope to deepen their interests in undergraduate mathematics education, specifically students’ understanding and learning of proof. Davis is also interested in queer, women, and trans students’ experiences within education.
After graduating from PRIME, Davis hopes to teach in a college math department while
continuing their research on proof and queer pedology.
An interesting fact about Catherine is that they are not a “math whiz.” Davis states, “Students assume that good mathematics teachers are natural mathematicians, but I think my strength as an educator relates to the ways I have struggled with math in the past.” Just like any other skill or subject, Davis says they must work hard to understand new material and always understand that mathematics requires practice and study.
We welcome Davis to PRIME, and hope they have an amazing year!
Written by
Ansley Duke