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Kursav Interviewed for MSU Sci-Files

Merve Kursav PhotoMerve Kursav, mathematics education doctoral student, was recently interviewed for The Sci-Files, a podcast on Impact 89FM, East Lansing radio, WDBM. The hosts, MSU doctoral students Chelsie Boodoo (Biosystems Engineering) and Daniel Puentes (Physics), interview MSU graduate students about their research and projects they are currently working on.

Merve was interviewed on January 23, 2022, and her interview is posted at the bottom of this page. She spoke about productive disciplinary engagement of English learners in Mathematics classrooms. Her research biography is posted, and the podcast is about 20 minutes in length. Please tune in if you would like to learn more about Merve's research! She plans to complete her PhD in Summer 2022.

The Sci-Files airs new episodes every Sunday at 9:30 AM, and the episodes are available as a podcast the next day. If you are interested in sharing your MSU graduate research, contact Chelsie and Danny.