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MSU at 2023 PME-NA

PME-NA 2023 photo of UN, RenoThe 45th Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America (PME-NA) conference will be hosted by the College of Education and Human Development, University of Nevada, in Reno on October 1-4, 2023. This year's conference theme is Engaging All Learners and sessions will explore how to engage students and build partnerships that will encourage student learning and interests. Sessions will be held at the Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center.

MSU faculty and graduate students' ideas and research presented at this year's conference include Kristen Bieda, Kristin Doherty, Rileigh Luczak, Alicia Matthews-Johnson, Brady Tyburski, Kristen Vroom, and Katie Westby.

Kristen Vroom PhotoKristen Vroom commented, “I will be presenting Sociomathematical scaffolding as students engage in defining, conjecturing, and proving. During the presentation, I will be talking about how instructors manage several tensions as they engage students in defining, conjecturing, and proving, including building on students' contributions while maintaining the integrity of certain mathematical norms. I present a case study of a teacher-researcher’s scaffolding as he skillfully balanced this tension.”

Kristen’s presentation will take place on Tuesday, October 3rd from 8:00-9:15 am. We hope you can attend her session and the other MSU presentations listed below.

Written by

Ansley Duke


MSU Presentations

Monday, October 2

Considering The Alignment Between Teachers' Conceptions of Justification and their Visions for Equitable Instruction

10:30 to 11:30am, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Treasures B

Kristen Bieda, Kristin Doherty, Alicia Matthews-Johnson, and others

Eliciting Cycles as Pre-service Teachers Lead Whole Class Discussion: An Investigation of Moments of Tension

2:15 to 3:30pm, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Grand 3

Rileigh Luczak, Kristen Bieda, Brady Tyburski, and others

Taking up Mathematics Education Research Spaces As Resistance: Toward Disability Justice

Working Group: Critical Disabilities Studies in Mathematics Education

5:15-6:20pm, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Grand 1

Katie Westby


Tuesday, October 3

Rethinking mathematics curricular coherence across elementary teachers' multiple curricular materials and multiple professional obligations

8:00 to 9:15am, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Grand 2

Kristin Doherty and others

Sociomathematical Scaffolding as Students Engage in Mathematical Practices

8:00 to 9:15am, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Treasures B

Kristen Vroom

What Comes Before a Theoretical Framework? The Aesthetic Dimension of Theorizing in Mathematics Education Research

8:00 to 9:15am, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Emerald A

Brady Tyburski

Working Group: Critical Disabilities Studies in Mathematics Education

11:00am to 12:00pm, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Paradise A

Katie Westby

Elementary Teachers' Use of Mathematics Curricular Materials: Focus on Teachers Pay Teachers and Pinterest

2:00 to 3:00pm, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Paradise Terrace

Kristen Doherty and others

Understanding Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Dispositional Shifts and Perceptions of Mathematics Pedagogy

2:00 to 3:00pm, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Paradise Terrace

Kristin Doherty


Wednesday, October 4

Working Group: Critical Disabilities Studies in Mathematics Education

10:00am to 12:00pm, Atlantis Hotel and Casino Conference Center, Paradise A

Katie Westby