PRIME Grads Launch new Research Institute and Affiliated Journal
David Bowers (graduating math ed doctoral student) and Christopher Dubbs (2020 PRIME doctoral graduate) have, in collaboration with Alexander Stone Moore (Virginia Tech doctoral student) and a few others from other institutions, launched a new research institute and affiliated journal of mathematics education. The Critical Philosophical & Psychoanalytic Institute for Mathematics Education (CPPI ME) was created in early 2021, driven partly by a sensed disconnect among researchers, doctoral students, and practitioners, as well as by the need for greater visibility for "non-traditional" research and practice in mathematics education.
David noted, “We built it as a space for people/research that feels excluded from existing math ed institutional spaces, and it has been picking up a good deal of momentum these past few months.” In addition to a number of doctoral students (including our own Sofia Abreu, Elias Claffey, Brent Jackson, Merve Kursav, and Katherine Westby), David commented, “we've had several extremely well-respected faculty join, including Anna Chronaki, Paul Ernest, Jennifer Hall, and Brian Lawler.”
The website states that the goal of the institute founding members is “to bring together mathematics education researchers and practitioners from all around the world who have an interest in critical, philosophical, and/or psychoanalytic research interests in mathematics education.” Unlike many professional organizations, there is no cost for membership or participation in any of the institute's offerings. Members donate their time, and everything is conducted “pro bono”. The institute has varying membership levels, depending on their desired level of engagement. In increasing level of involvement, there are Adjunct Experts, Visiting Scholars, Fellows, and Senior Fellows. Members can choose to specify special interest or research areas with which they professionally identify. Members who join in 2021 will additionally be designated as Founding Members.
CPPI ME plans to publish a peer-reviewed journal, Journal for Theoretical and Marginal Mathematics Education (JTM ME). “The journal is currently receiving papers for its first issue,” David remarked, “and I think the Call For Proposals really shows off how different what we're doing is.”
To learn more information about the institute and journal, please visit their website.
Congratulations to David and the CPPI ME group on their new institute and journal!